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Diversity Masterclass

Being a contact person for diversity, equality or inclusion is a fulfilling task - but not always an easy one.
With the IN-VISIBLE Masterclass, we offer you a space to expand your knowledge on this topic, try out methods, develop strategies and exchange ideas with colleagues from other companies.


More and more companies are realizing how important it is to deal with diversity, inclusion and anti-discrimination. Not just selectively, but firmly anchored in the corporate culture and in everyday working life. This includes creating contact persons who design measures and are available as a point of contact for affected employees. Ideally, these should be trained diversity managers - but this is often not possible and instead someone from the existing team is appointed as diversity officer without further ado. 

Academy_Gender Equality
Diversity Masterclass



Newly appointed diversity managers or equality officers often don't really know how to do justice to this new role. And those who have been working on the topic for a long time are becoming frustrated with established patterns and a lack of support. Our Masterclass is therefore aimed at everyone who has responsibility for diversity, equal opportunity, inclusion or anti-discrimination in their company. Together we create a solid foundation for their work, supplement their knowledge and refresh it.



The Academy imparts expertise and also represents a space in which you as diversity managers can exchange ideas and learn from each other. The Masterclass takes place over three days in person, or over the course of six weeks in the online version. During this time frame, we will cover various areas of diversity management using self-reflection exercises, case studies, collegial case consultation and creative methods from Design Thinking. After the Academy, you will receive a certificate and access to further exchange and consulting services.



We start by reflecting our own social positioning, roles, beliefs and privileges in the first part of the seminar. What does DEI mean for you and your work? Then we move on to practice: What challenges does diversity management bring with it? How can we design the workplace to suit employees from a wide variety of backgrounds, communicate inclusively and deal with resistance? We then work out your individual next steps so that all participants complete the workshop not only with new knowledge but also with a concrete plan.


After the workshop is before the workshop. You have now learned plenty of theory and have obtained a certificate, but the real challenges arise in practice. Diversity managers at our Academy will therefore continue to be supported. Over a period of one year, you are given the opportunity to discuss current challenges with your peers as part of our regular drop-in sessions.

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