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We develop human-centered diversity strategies for companies.

About Us


We dream of a (work) world where power is distributed fairly and it doesn't matter whether you're female, male, or non-binary. A working world that doesn't discriminate against anyone based on (social) background, age, sexuality, skin color, religion, or disability.


But because dreaming alone isn't enough, and the current job market is still full of prejudices, discriminations, and power imbalances, it requires work. Tackling this work, that's our mission.

Who We Are

IN-VISIBLE was established with the aim of making academic insights from Gender Studies applicable and tangible within professional environments. Our team comprises twelve international members who contribute their diverse interdisciplinary skills and personal backgrounds.


Each individual within our team brings together academic, professional, and community-based perspectives on gender equality. Together, we are driven by a common mission to address the disadvantage faced by women and marginalised groups in the workplace. In pursuit of this mission, we are grounded in a network of skilled trainers and consultants.


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Founder &  CEO

Rea Eldem


Rea is a bundle of energy. She founded IN-VISIBLE after studying Gender Studies and Cultural Studies in Cambridge and at Lake Constance. In addition to her role as managing director and consultant at IN-VISIBLE, she is a lecturer at the  Hasso Plattner Institute. Get to know Rea in our team interviews.

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Mariam loves juggling tasks and the tension that comes with it. She was born in Cairo and took over the project coordination and team assistance in 2022. Her background lies in Gender Studies, Media Design and Art History. She also explores her artistic side as a photo artist and documents her surroundings from a human perspective. Find out more about Mariam in our interview.

Coordination & Team Assistance

Mariam Soliman


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Luka has been active for LGBTQIA+ issues for many years, during the day as an education officer and consultant, in the evenings as a drag king on stage. Their academic background is in social anthropology and gender studies, but what thy love most is talking to people and getting them excited about DEI topics. Luka has been working at IN-VISIBLE as a consultant and trainer since 2022. You can find out more about Luka in the interview!

 Consulting & Workshops

Luka Özyürek

all pronouns

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Fran is a community organizer at heart and involved in various activist groups for increasing the participation of marginalized groups in Berlin. Fran is a British sociologist, creative producer and has been with us since 2020 as a workshop trainer, e.g. for unconscious bias and executives. You can find out more about Fran in our team interview.

Trainings & Workshops

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Fran Root



Trainings & Workshops

Robin Marx

Robin is mainly working as a project manager in the corporate world for innovation developments, having a background in communication design and agile methods. As a queer person he is also passionate about various forms of anti-discrimination work in organizations and privately – IN-VISIBLE gives him the opportunity to connect these areas of expertise. You can find out more about Robin in the team interview.

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Deborah sees herself as an octopus with more than eight tentacles. With her interdisciplinary expertise in the fields of business psychology, business administration and design thinking, Deborah works creatively and analytically as a freelance trainer and consultant. She lives and breathes people-centricity at the Google Future Workshop and at our workshops. More about Deborah here.

Trainings & Workshops

Deborah Kohn

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Marko_Diversity trainer

Marko loves to bring together playfulness, content-aware communication, design thinking and speculative design in workshops. Besides working for IN-VISIBLE, Marko is a speaker coach at TEDx and a volunteer in queer and sex-positive communities with just as much dedication. Marko is definitely a trailblazer when it comes to taboo topics.

Trainings & Workshops

Marko Kagioglidis

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Samantha knows how to ask the right questions to encourage self-reflection in her workshop participants and thus facilitate real change processes in teams and organizations. Samantha is an anti-discrimination trainer and consultant with a focus on anti-racism, especially in black communities in the German context. 


Trainings & Workshops

Samantha Yamoah


Konstantinos (they/them) is a sociologist (B.A.) and Gender Studies expert (M.A.). Their professional and volunteering work with different marginalised groups grants them a unique understanding of discrimination and how it can be addressed in the workplace. Get to know Konstantinos in our team interview.

Trainings & Workshops

Konstantinos Kogkakis



Sonja has an extremely contagious laugh. She has been part of IN-VISIBLE since 2021 and implements workshops and training courses. Before that, she worked as an intern and working student in product development and got to know IN-VISIBLE well. Her background is in change management and sustainability. You can find out more about Sonja in the interview.

Trainings & Workshops

Sonja Langela

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Melissa is a psychologist, systemic coach and design thinker. In her free time, Melissa makes elaborate art, painting and working with wood and other natural materials. For IN-VISIBLE she uses her expertise in systemic thinking and cognitive distortions, especially as a trainer in unconscious bias workshops. You can find out more about Melissa in the interview!

Trainings & Workshops

Sonja Langela

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Alex researches and works on future-viable economic systems including regenerative business models. In her work, she combines several disciplines such as international business administration, political science, and social science. As a design thinking facilitator and innovation consultant, she unravels complex relationships with multidisciplinary teams in think tanks, NGOs, social businesses, and educational institutes.

Trainings & Workshops

Alex Wolf


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