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We develop human-centered diversity strategies for companies.

What We Offer

In our programs, your colleagues and employees learn interactively and under the guidance of our experts everything they need to know about a gender-inclusive work culture.

Are you having trouble attracting or retaining female applicants? Do you want to diversify but don’t know how? We conduct data collection, benchmarking, and diversity analyses, and develop sustainable diversity strategies. We are also available for short consulting sessions and can provide feedback on your new job postings, for example.


Working With Us

Our approach to work is collaborative. We do not view ourselves as a traditional service provider but rather as your partner in crime. We invite you to get creative with us. We are always open to your needs and will develop new formats specifically for you if desired.


You may fill out the contact form or send us an email. Tell us about your needs.


During the introductory call, there will be time for your questions. We will agree on the scope of our collaboration. Afterwards, we will send you a proposal.


Our project coordination team will get in touch with you. You will receive information and an invitation to an introductory call.


If you accept the proposal, we'll move on to scheduling. We'll arrange a date for the preliminary discussion about the project's content, and then we're ready to get started!

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Workshops & Consulting

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Unconscious Bias

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Inclusive Language

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Consultation Session

Where to Start?

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Inclusive Leadership

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