Rea EldemFeb 29, 2024IN-VISIBLE Academia: Beyond Seahorses: An Exploratory Analysis of Trans*-Queer* Procreation
Rea EldemJan 30, 2024IN-VISIBLE Academia: Queering Entrepreneurship through an Ethnographic Study of a Women-led Tech Startup in Berlin
Rea EldemAug 3, 2023IN-VISIBLE Academia Presents the MinervaLab: A Laboratory on Diversity and Gender Inequality
Rea EldemJun 30, 2023IN-VISIBLE Academia: Push back the pushbacks around the Women, Peace and Security agenda?
Rea EldemMay 31, 2023IN-VISIBLE Academia: Cycles of Emotions - Feminist Self-Tracking of the Menstruation Cycle
Rea EldemMay 17, 2023IN-VISIBLE Academia: Doing re-composition. A study of blended families in Milano, Italy.