Masterclass Diversity Management
Service Description
The masterclass imparts expertise to (prospective) DEI managers and also provides a space in which you can exchange ideas and learn from each other. The class takes place over three days, in which various topics of diversity management are developed using self-reflection exercises, case studies, peer case counselling and creative methods from design thinking. After the masterclass, you will receive a certificate, materials and further exchange and counselling opportunities. Program: Regular online course The online version of the masterclass stretches out over the timespan of six weeks. You will meet your cohort every week for 2h, covering various aspects of diversity management in theory and practice. Afterwards: Exchange and counselling After the workshop is before the workshop. The real challenges arise in practice. Diversity managers at our Academy therefore continue to receive support. Over a period of one year, there is the opportunity to discuss current challenges as part of our regular drop-in sessions in the cohort, moderated by us. What can you take away from the Academy? -In-depth basic knowledge of diversity, equality, inclusion and diversity management -A better understanding of your own strengths and challenges -Exchange with colleagues, network building -Long-term support for your own work -Written confirmation of participation in the masterclass The academy takes place on a running basis. For the next dates, write us!
Contact Details
c/o Impact Hub Berlin c/o Impact Hub Berlin, Rollberstraße 28A, 12053 Berlin