Hi, we are IN-VISIBLE.
We make diversity a core value of your organisation.
Our Offer
Promoting Diversity
We are advancing diversity in your organisation.
Equal Working Culture
We are creating a discrimination-free environment.
Unlocking Potential
We ensure that all employees can perform at their best.
...Why bother?
Germany 2024
Still trailing behind in equality.
Public Pressure
The demand for diversity and inclusion is on the rise.
Competitive Advantage
Diversity ist essential for retaining talent and for remaining relevant in the near future.
How We Work
IN-VISIBLE was founded to make academic knowledge from gender studies usable and tangible in the workplace.
Diversity workshops and consulting services always follow the same line: They are aimed at “helping” women so that they can lead. How strange. Why should women alone shoulder the responsibility for fostering these changes? We believe that everyone has to do this work. We want empowerment, and we want awareness.
Individual challenges often have structural causes. In order to do justice to these connections, we need science. IN-VISIBLE is firmly anchored in gender studies. We translate research findings into stories and actionable tasks everyone can understand and apply in practice.