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Luka Özyürek
Oct 17
How to use gender sensitive language. Part 3: Using the right pronouns.
Für eine Person das falsche Pronomen (oder allgemein das falsche Geschlecht) zu verwenden, nennt man misgendern. Das kann vor allem für...
Luka Özyürek
Aug 14
The IN-VISIBLE Map - Our resource on diversity in the workplace
In summary, the IN-VISIBLE Map contains everything you need from a resource on diversity in the workplace…
Luka Özyürek
Jun 24
Microaggressions in the workplace: Hidden discrimination
Microaggressions are commonplace in the workplace. They are the little comments, looks that make others uncomfortable.
Luka Özyürek
May 29
Microaggressions in the workplace: Hidden discrimination
This doesn't mean that we have to turn every word around five times, but those who consciously ask themselves these questions ...
May 23
Where are you (really) from? Inconspicuous question with lasting effects
Where are you (really) from? Anyone who asks people is curious about their background. Really, though?
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